The aim of this winter series is to allow NSEA members to compete in a national dressage league without leaving home!
Dressage Tests may be ridden in any 20 x 40m arena on a surface or on grass.
Riders select the tests they wish to ride from the schedule and are filmed
 from the ‘C’ end of the arena, as the judge would see it.

Videos are sent in to the NSEA to be judged and points are awarded according to placings. Judge sheets, rosettes and prizes are sent out each month.

At the end of the series, the winning horse/rider combination in each class, will be the one with the most points. In addition the top 8 horse/rider combinations will also qualify for the annual Pop-Up Dressage Final which is held in October during the NSEA Dressage Championships.

Pop Up Dressage with the NSEA

  • You can practice the test a number of times before sending in the best one.
  • You don't need to travel to a competition- the competition comes to you.
  • You receive feedback and top tips on how to improve your marks.
  • Tests range from Walk and Trot though to Novice level.
Thanks for running these amazing events and giving riders the chance to compete at such prestigious venues. The standard is a credit to the organisation and hard work of the people behind the NSEA.
Team Manager, Lady Manners School
Fantastic! We will be back next year!
National Championships Team Manager
We all appreciate how much work it takes to organise such a huge event so competently. You must all be absolutely shattered!
National Championships Team Parent
We loved our weekend but our successes this year made it even more special
GM – National Championships Team Parent
The girls on the front desk we so helpful and friendly
County Championships