14th March 2020
Currently all NSEA events are still taking place and we are following government advice. However this is being reviewed on a daily basis as the situation is changing rapidly. Currently, government advice is that schools are remaining open. If the situation regarding the coronavirus changes we will inform members via Team Managers and Facebook.
Most national league football and rugby matches are still taking place this weekend, although Premier League fixtures have been cancelled due to players and Team Managers testing positive to the virus. International fixtures are also being cancelled.
NSEA events do not attract many supporters, so we have do not have large crowds to manage and at most events, therefore it is possible to remain in more fresh air and space than at your local supermarket. However, we are asking everyone to be vigilant and to stay away from NSEA events if they develop symptoms such as a sore throat cough or a temperature.
In order to help reduce the possibility of contamination, venues will endeavour to have disposable hand towels soap and water available to enable everybody to wash their hands regularly and we recommend that you bring your own hand sanitiser in case a venue runs short. We also suggest that you keep your distance from other people (2m) and try not to congregate in groups at events.
If you would prefer not to stay to prize givings we are happy to send on rosettes in all classes . Results will be posted on the NSEA website as soon after the event as is possible.
Please ensure to remind your squad and supporters to bring handkerchiefs in order to catch any cough or sneezes and remember to keep hands away from faces!
The National County Championships is still currently scheduled to go ahead, however, we are in close contact with Hartpury college and will inform competitors if circumstances change. We are having a planning meeting next week to look at potential date changes.
For the jumping classes, the current plan is to jump all riders in the outside ring first and then all, (except eliminated combinations) will go forward into a single phase round in the indoor arena. There will be no need to jump off again. Riders will be given a start time for round 1 prior to the competition, in order to prevent the need to queuing. Ongoing results will be posted in order that competitors out of the placings do not need to wait around.
If the government decides to shut schools / colleges, large gatherings or non- essential travel, which leads to the postponement of the event, we will let you know. Rules re cancellation can be found on the county schedule. It would be helpful if Team Managers (only) can update us with changes in their area as they occur.
Anyone concerned about vulnerable friends or relatives must assess the risk according to their personal circumstances. The world is currently in un-chartered waters and hopefully we can get through this torrid time before too long. Thank you for you patience.
In the meantime, we are planning another Pop up dressage series in order that NSEA members can compete from home. Details will be available soon.